Angeline Djampou
speaks on ...
learning about the genocide on the news in 1994


I remember very well I – in 1994 I was in Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan and I had heard, heard on the radio that there were, there were killings in Kigali. It was in the, in the news every day. There were killings in Kigali. Hutus were killing Tutsis and a few days later I actually saw it on TV and I – there was a river and I just saw and, and I was with my children and my ex-husband.
We just saw the river f-, and full with corpse and that was, that was actually how I stopped. I, I actually put a, a – it actually became important, the i-, that image. I was hearing, it was like – okay, this is sad. Before that, we had heard about killings, Hutus, Tutsis in Rwanda, Hutus, Tutsis in Burundi. I actually, when I saw this image, I actually realized the im-, the, the, the extent of what was happening.
And I never watch the TV when they were – I mean, when I was watching the news and they announced that, I would just, I would just go. It was unbearable.
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Country of Origin:
Interview Date:
October 30, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Lisa P. Nathan
Ronald Slye
Nell Carden Grey
Excerpt From:
Part 3
Submitted By:
Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team