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Interview Date:
November 3, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Lisa P. Nathan
Donald J Horowitz
Donald J Horowitz
Nell Carden Grey
50:00 - 54:48
Donald J Horowitz: What other duties, areas of duties have you, ha-, of significance have you had in your current job or the one that preceded it?
In my, in External Relations?
DJH: Yeah. Apparently, you went from being in charge – you had this physical, you had the stress problem . . .
DJH: . . . and you changed your job.
DJH: Yeah. During, before you changed the job, your, your principal, I gather your principal job was the building of this defense team.
Yes. Yes.
DJH: Okay. And then when you changed jobs, what, what has yo-, have your duties been since then? I take it, it’s, yeah . . .
Well, yes, yes . . .
DJH: . . . it’s been the same job since? No.
No, because at the beginning, beginning, I was requested to e-, elaborate with the Chief of, of the administration an Emergency Recovery Plan because we have information everywhere in the offices and so on. And if we have a fire, how do we going to do, how are we going to save the information and so on. So I’ve been part of the team. And I circulate a form, I mean . . .
I’ve been working quite a lot – because you see, the problem is communication between a judge and somebody in Computer Science. They don’t understand each other. It is, it’s, it’s very difficult that is why they asked me to, to make the link of communication between the juridical world and the computer world. And I have both in my s-, my, my, my background.
DJH: I, I was going to – I was going to ask, as I remember you, discussion with you, you have had some specific training I think in Toronto, Canada relative to information communications technology and the law, and have worked in that field.
Yes. Ye-. No, that is, was in Quebec City.
DJH: Oh okay . . . yeah.
In Laval, Laval University. Yes, I did a Master which has been published integrally, and I’ve developed an expert, expert system in law, so, in Artificial Intelligence with Prologue. I mean, the (_____) is – law is logic, computer is logic, informatics is logic, what can we do together?
And I came out with this solution in which, quite elaborate software. It was a real expert system and, which has been published and which is available . . .
DJH: And, and, and from that, from that background, you were asked to develop an emergency system to prevent loss of significant amounts of information. Okay.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, how to make even backup because the people with, even at that time the computer was not advanced as, as it is now. Windows, Windows was exist. At the time I did my Master, Windows was not. I did it with the Macintosh because, yes, it was a big disk and so on, and . . .
DJH: And, and I take it you’ve accomplished that, that, that part of . . .
I, yeah, we made a report. We sent to the Chief of Administration and after, you know, as very often in big organization like this one, you don’t know what they do. You don’t have any follow up, you don’t have any feedback.
DJH: Well, do you think you have . . .
Finally, you know . . .
DJH: Do you think you have a, a system in place now that will protect . . .
Yeah, now the system is in place, yes, yes.
DJH: Yeah. Okay.
Yes, we have a system with, with also protection for fire, back up; distance back up. We have several, yeah. We have it.
DJH: Okay. And what, what other – I'm go-, coming to an area that I, I want to cover some of these other areas, but I’m coming to the area of personnel and staff which I know you’re very much involved in, with – but I want to see, make sure we’ve covered the other areas of your, significant areas of your duties.
Yeah, the other duties that I did – I was in External Relations. I’ve been in protocol. So, also protocol, I, I, I prepared the procedure, all the forms. Even in the section of lawyers, I mean, I prepare the procedure, how to do this, the different form, how to respond. In order to have a standard, standard response, I mean, to treat everybody in equal way.
DJH: Okay.
And I develop also software for, for the visit, relational database. I like very much this – in FileMaker Pro, and to make statistic, report, data, yeah.
DJH: Okay. Let’s go onto the staff issues.
But for sure, External Relation, you cannot compare with the quantity and, and the human engagement that you have when you are in the defense.
DJH: Yes.
When you have a human being and if you are late, the people are in jail, I mean, so you cannot be late. You cannot say, “Do tomorrow.” In External Relation, sometime you, you, you can – is different.